Saturday, October 16, 2010

Other In Harvest Moon GBA

ANIMAL(tingkat-tingkat hasil perternakan di harvest moon)
Catatan : maaf kalau pakai bahasa inggris
The Animals of the game are: Cows, Sheep, Chickens and a horse. The player begins the game with a dog.

- Can enter the Cow Festival(sudah bisa masuk festival sapi)
- Gives milk for shipment and cheese making(menghasilkan susu untuk dijual dan dibuat keju)

    * 1-4 hearts = Small Milk

    * 5-7 hearts = Medium Milk

    * 8-10 hearts = Large Milk

    * 8-10 hearts w. Crown = Gold Milk(lebih jelasnya sapi sudah punya 8-10 hati dan sudah ada mahkota)

    * 8-10 hearts w. Crown and had 600 hrs. of grazing = P Milk (Platinum Milk) (lebih jelasnya sudah ada 8-10 hati dan ada mahkota , serta sapi di taruh di luar kandang selama 600 jam atau kurang lebih 25 hari)

Note: A rare variety of milk called X Milk appears on very rare occasions from a cow that usually gives P Milk, however it's very rare and nearly never happens. Don't count on it.
Also, A crown refers to an animal that has won the festival designated for that animal (Sheep winning the Sheep festival, and so on).

- Can enter the Chicken Festival (sudah bisa masuk festival ayam)
- Gives eggs for shipment and mayonnaise making(menghasilkan telur dan membuat mayonnaise)
  • 1-4 hearts = Low Quality Egg
  • 5-7 hearts = Good Quality Egg
  • 8-10 hearts = High Quality Egg
  • 8-10 hearts w. Crown = Golden Egg(8-10 hati dan ada mahkota)
  • 8-10 hearts w. Crown and had 600 hrs. of grazing = P Egg (Platinum Egg)(8-10 hati dan ada mahkota serta ayam berada di luar kandang selama 600 jam atau 25 hari)
Note that a rare variety of egg called X egg is laid on very rare occasions by a chicken that usually lays P Eggs.

Also, An egg called Spa-Boiled Egg can be made by dropping an egg in the Hot Springs. It ships for 50g regardless of the level egg you threw in. Not really a good idea unless you are making these eggs to give to Ann.

- Can enter the Sheep Festival
- Gives wool for shipment and yarn making
  • 1-4 hearts = Small Wool
  • 5-7 hearts = Medium Wool
  • 8-10 hearts = Large Wool
  • 8-10 hearts w. Crown = Gold Wool
  • 8-10 hearts w. Crown and had 600 hrs. of grazing = P Wool (Platinum Wool)
Note: A rare variety of wool called X Wool appears on very rare occasions from a sheep that usually gives P Wool.

- Can be ridden after 1 year
- Used as a mobile shipping box after 1 year
  • It needs to mature first.
  • Don't abuse your horse; otherwise, Barley will come and take it away. He will give it back to you in one year. You need 6 hearts or more in Year 2 spring to be able to keep your horse.
  • Very low maintence. Brush it and take it in when it rains. That will incease it's heart level. 

- Can enter the Beach Festival
- Can be used to scare away wild dogs
  • Pick up and throw down dog to make it happy. Quite simple. Doing this will increase its heart level.