Friday, September 17, 2010

Ohayou Gozaimasu

Ohayou gozaimasu minna san!
Today Shidiq is going to tell minna san why Shidiq always use "Ohayou gozaimasu" (おはようございます) as the opening although the time is not in the morning. Ohayou gozaimasu can be translated literary as "Good Morning" in english or in indonesian as "Selamat Pagi. According to the source that Shidiq's read, Ohayou gozaimasu can be translated as "Hallo" too in english and it doesn't depend on the time if we translated it as "Hallo". But to avoid mistaken in the meaning, Japanese use other greet word to express "Hallo" according to the time such as; "Kon'nichiwa" (こんにちは) as "Good Afternoon" or in Indonesian "Selamat Siang", "Oyasuminasai" (おやすみなさい) as "Good Night" or in Indonesian "Selamat Malam". For little note, "Oyasuminasai" can be translated as" Have a good sleep" or "Selamat Tidur" in Indonesia. Nah Shidiq thinks that's it from now. Hopefully it can be very useful for minna san. Then Arigatou Gozaimasu for being read and Mata ashita!